Starting Prose Writing: A Beginner’s Path (Online)

About the course

Something to say but not sure where to begin? Used to write regularly but forgotten how? 3 sessions of guided and playful prompts for writing and boldly sharing our work to get unstuck and started.” 

Who is it for?

This workshop is for all underrepresented writers – creatives who face barriers to opportunities due to mental health issues, physical health/disability, sensory impairment, learning disabilities, neurodivergence, substance misuse, survivors, working-class backgrounds, and those from the LGBTQIA+ community, Black, Asian, traveller, mixed heritage or other global majority backgrounds.

This session is for all writers, new or seasoned, whether you’re working on fiction, non-fiction, plays, essays, theses or poetry. 

About the tutor

Tabitha Bast lives in West Yorkshire, and works as a therapist and writer, ranging from political articles, short stories, and a blog on masculinity featured in Mslexia. Her non-fiction has been published in Novara Media, Shift, Dysophia, Same Skies and in the anthology Occupy Everything. Her short stories have won and been published in Grist’s ‘Protest’ anthology award, Creative Future Writers’ Award, Parracombe Prize, Walter Swann Prize, To Hull and Back, David Oluwale Award as well as other honourable mentions. 


Thursdays 19, 26 October + 2 November


6pm – 7.30 pm


£30 standard /£15 concessions

In order to make our resources stretch further, we have to subsidise some workshops with nominal fees well below most online courses. The more people who book at full price, the more we’ll be able to offer. Half-price places are available for those on benefits, unemployed/underemployed or on low wages. We do not ask for proof that you qualify. We have limited concessionary spaces available and can’t unfortunately offer additional ones. If concessionary spaces aren’t displayed below, they are fully booked, but we can add you to the waiting list if you e-mail [email protected].


Online via Zoom.

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