A woman with dark hair and a blue patterned dress, sitting down with arms crossed on a brightly coloured patterned sofa

Rose Kigwana (she/her)
Chief Executive Officer

Rose has a wealth of experience in placemaking, creative programming, fundraising, and producing. In recent years she has been focusing on making the cultural sector more inclusive and representative through supporting under-represented artists and communities to thrive and influencing and implementing change. Rose is a member of the Brighton & Hove Anti-Racism Creative Coalition.

With a degree in craft design and an early career as an environmentally aware designer-maker, Rose continues to find ways to apply her creative passion and skills. Her latest rather ambitious, creative project was the interior design and improving the accessibility of The Dance Space, Brighton.


Matt Freidson (he/him)
Deputy Director

Matt has worked to support underrepresented people for twenty years, working with refugees and asylum seekers, on housing estates and in community development, as well as supporting over 100 community organisations. He has published over twenty short stories in literary journals and anthologies, and his book is available here.

Joining us soon - Communications & Projects Manager

Louise Evans

Louise Evans (she/her)

While studying for a BA in Printmaking Louise developed an interest in participatory art practices. Louise has previously facilitated art-based workshops with Brighton Aldrich Community Academy, Artyfacts Art Academy.

Louise achieved a Merit in her MA in Inclusive Arts Practice, for her work with the Rocket Artists to conducted arts-based research surrounding facilitation and running inclusive workshops.

Our Founders


Dominique De-Light

After running Creative Future for 11 years, and establishing the Creative Future Writers’ Awards,  Dominique is now a creativity and wellbeing coach at www.wellbalancedcoaching.co.uk, an arts and health consultant, and founder and director of another charity, Well Balanced Kids, providing yoga and mindfulness sessions to children and young people across Sussex.

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Simon Powell

Simon co-directed Creative Future from 2007 – 2015, focusing on the visual arts side of things, including Tight Modern and The Impact Art Fair. In 2017 he established a programme of arts at St. Joseph’s Hospice in Hackney, London, serving patients, nurses and the local community. More recently he has been busy with personal projects - filmmaking, game design and writing.

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