The Poetry of the Body (Online)

About the course

How can we use poetry to express what it feels like to inhabit a body? How can poetry help us to understand other people’s relationship with their bodies?  

In this short workshop series, we’ll look at how poets explore, celebrate and commune with  the body in their writing. Using guided exercises and free writing time, we’ll look at how poetic language connects us with the body. In between sessions you’ll have a chance to work on your own poetry and the option to share it with the group (only if you want to!). 

Who is it for?

This workshop is for all underrepresented writers – creatives who face barriers to opportunities due to mental health issues, physical health/disability, sensory impairment, learning disabilities, neurodivergence, substance misuse, survivors, working-class backgrounds, and those from the LGBTQIA+ community, Black, Asian, traveller, mixed heritage or other global majority backgrounds.

This session is for all writers, new or seasoned, whether you’re working on fiction, non-fiction, plays, essays, theses or poetry. 

About the tutor

Sallyanne Rock is a queer, neurodivergent poet and freelance writer from the Black Country. She writes about domestic abuse, queer identity and religious trauma. Her poetry has been published widely in various journals and anthologies, and she has appeared at spoken word events across the West Midlands. She works as a mentor, workshop facilitator and poet for hire, and has worked alongside organisations such as Writing West Midlands, Verve Poetry Festival and Creative Future. In 2019 she was awarded the gold prize for poetry in the Creative Future Writers’ Awards. Sallyanne’s debut pamphlet, ‘Salt & Metal’, is published with Fawn Press.  


Twitter – @sallrockspoetry

Instagram – @sall_rocks_poetry


Mondays 16, 30 October and 13th November 2023.


6.30pm – 8.30 pm


£30 standard / £15 concessions

In order to make our resources stretch further, we have to subsidise some workshops with nominal fees well below most online courses. The more people who book at full price, the more we’ll be able to offer. Half-price places are available for those on benefits, unemployed/underemployed or on low wages. We do not ask for proof that you qualify. We have limited concessionary spaces available and can’t unfortunately offer additional ones. If concessionary spaces aren’t displayed below, they are fully booked, but we can add you to the waiting list if you e-mail [email protected].


Online via Zoom.

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