Flash Fiction

About the course

Flash fiction is usually described as a story that’s complete in under 1,000 words, but can be even shorter. But successful flash isn’t just about word count, it’s also about using word choice and structure to create a satisfying piece of prose in which every word counts.

In this workshop, we’ll use story example and writing exercises to think about what makes a successful flash fiction, and what those techniques can do to shape your writing in general.

Who is it for?

This workshop is for all underrepresented writers—creatives who face barriers to opportunities due to mental health challenges, physical health/disability, sensory impairment, learning disabilities, neurodivergence, substance misuse, survivors, working class backgrounds, and those from the LGBTQIA+ community, Black, Asian, traveller, mixed heritage or other global majority backgrounds.

About the tutor

Anita Goveas is British-Asian, and based in London. She trained as a speech and language therapist before switching careers in 2015 and having the time to write. She was first published in the 2016 London Short Story Prize, and was a 2018 Creative Future Award winner. She’s been nominated for Best of the Net, Best Microfictions and a Pushcart Prize, has two stories in Best Microfictions 2019, made the BIFFY 50 2018-19 and 2019-20 lists and the 2021 Wigleaf Top 50 list. Her debut flash fiction collection Families and other natural disasters was published by Reflex Press in Sept 2020.

She was a teacher on Dahlia Publishing’s 2021 ‘A Brief Pause‘ writer’s development programme, teaches flash fiction workshops with Farhana Khalique and has run writing workshops for Retreat West, Writers HQ, the Crow Collective and Spread the Word’s CripTic salons.


Mondays, 12 / 19 / 26 Feb & 4 March




£40/£20 concessions (6 spaces available at our concessionary rate)

In order to make our resources stretch further, we have to subsidise some workshops with nominal fees well below most online courses. The more people who book at full price, the more we’ll be able to offer. Concessionary places are available for those on benefits, unemployed/underemployed or on low wages. We do not ask for proof that you qualify. We have limited concessionary spaces available and can’t unfortunately offer additional ones. If concessionary spaces aren’t displayed below, they are fully booked, but we can add you to the waiting list if you e-mail [email protected].


Online via Zoom.

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