Sep 19 2023

Join Creative Future as our new Communications Manager

We are looking for a new Communications Manager to support Creative Future build on the strong foundations already laid. You will share our ambition to further develop the quality, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility of Creative Future’s work to benefit our communities whilst supporting our resilience through your excellent communication skills and creativity. We celebrate and […]
Lisette wearing her Writer In Residence cape

Sep 11 2023

What Is Home? Darlington Writer In Residence Lisette Auton’s reflections

Lisette Auton was our 2023 Darlington Writer In Residence–bringing the residency to the writer, and letting them make it best fit the place and their ideas. Her residency included writing a new piece for the CF Writers’ Award anthology, six writing workshops, and roving about town to cafes, bookstores, markets, parks, the train station and […]

Sep 5 2023

Goodbye to our Director Jane McMorrow

After five amazing years, today we say farewell to our Director, Jane McMorrow, who leaves Creative Future to pursue other opportunities. Jane’s hard work and tireless efforts created a new, thriving arts & health strand and achieved a long-standing goal of Creative Future joining the Arts Council National Portfolio. She also steered the organisation through […]

Jun 29 2023

Creative Future Welcomes Rose Kigwana as New CEO

After five years Creative Future’s current Director/CEO Jane McMorrow is stepping down having successfully secured the organisation’s place as a National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) of Arts Council England. “It’s been a wonderful five years with Creative Future. The team are incredible and the best part of the role has been working with them and achieving […]

Jun 26 2023

2018 CFWA Winner Yvonne Reddick Wins a Northern Writers’ Award for Memoir

Huge congratulations to our 2018 Writers’ Award winner Yvonne Reddick who recently won a Northern Writers’ Award for Memoir. Yvonne will be developing her book project Fire on Winter Hill, about her father’s passion for hills and mountains, his work in the petroleum industry, and the climate change impacts she’s witnessed in hills and high […]

Jun 26 2023

Cover Reveal – Our 2023 Writers’ Award Anthology

Each year we publish an anthology featuring the award-winning entries from the Creative Future Writers’ Award competition. This year is the tenth anniversary of the awards and the theme for our writing competition was ‘X’. Our anthology features the winning entries from the 2023 Creative Future Writers’ Award, the UK’s only national competition for all […]
Day performing and looking fabulous

Jun 20 2023

Announcing our Liverpool Writer In Residence, Day Mattar

Day Mattar will be our Liverpool 2023 Regional Writer In Residence. Day ran two workshops exclusively for GYRO, Liverpool’s LGTBQ+ youth support agency, which they had greatly benefited from as a young person. Across the summer, Day will be in residence and facilitating workshops at FACT gallery–look out for them (wearing a yellow cape!) on […]

Jun 8 2023

What Is Home? Announcing our Darlington Writer In Residence Lisette Auton

Lisette Auton will be Darlington’s Writer In Residence in July 2023. She’ll undertake a roving residency across town, with a pack of writing prompts for anyone who wants to have a go, or just chat about what a writer does and about Darlington. Lisette will explore ideas about what makes a place your home. Sometimes […]

Mar 20 2023

We have an exciting opportunity to join Creative Future as our new CEO

Creative Future is a national charity that specialises in supporting creative people, artists and communities who are underrepresented in mainstream culture and face barriers and inequality to opportunities. Our mission is to make the arts more diverse and representative of the world we live in. In recognition of the quality and impact of our work, […]

Jan 17 2023

Creative Future Writers’ Award 2023: Q&A on the theme of ‘X’

What’s the theme for the 2023 Writers’ Award? Every year since the Awards began, we’ve put forward a theme for the competition—these have included Home, Chemistry, Tomorrow, How It Started and Essential. (You can see how past winners have responded to them in our Award anthologies.) As 2023 is the tenth Awards, we’ve selected the […]

Jan 17 2023

Our annual writing competition opens

We’re excited to announce our 2023 Writers’ Award competition is officially open for entries from all underrepresented writers! The theme for our 10th Awards is ‘X.’ Your work should respond to the theme, implicitly or explicitly, but we’re looking for quality writing first and foremost. The theme is a creative prompt, not a requirement. Send us your best work! Twelve writers in […]
A person is stood, looking at their notebook in deep though as they write a piece of creative non-fiction

Jan 3 2023

What is Creative Non-Fiction? New Genre Announced for CFWA 2023

For the tenth Creative Future Writers’ Award, we’re very excited to add a new genre—creative non-fiction. So what is creative non-fiction? Also known as narrative non-fiction, it generally means describing or telling a true story, events or experiences—and doing so creatively in a narrative way, or through literary or even poetic description. It usually recounts […]

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