Robert Grant

After periods working in a variety of jobs, from agriculture to the print media, Robert Grant read Psychology at the University of Wales.Although writing fiction had always played an important part in his life, it was not until contracting a debilitating long term illness did he turn to poetry.Exploring the essences of ritual, belief and mythology, through to interpersonal relationships and conflict, he found inspiration in such poets as Siegfried Sassoon and W. H. Auden.Robert Grant’s own verse is chiefly written in closed forms, with the likes of sonnets, villanelles, pantoums, triolets and ballads creating the backbone of his work. Although not unfamiliar with free verse, it is within the classical forms that he believes he is best equipped to express himself.A self taught poet, after a decade of writing, Robert Grant released his first collection of poems, entitled, ‘The Judas Tree’, (available on Amazon), in 2013.Robert currently resides in east Sussex.

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